Meeting a new friend....134 years later.

My husband and I are in Minnesota taking care of family business and are staying at a particular hotel here.  Everyday as we venture out to our duties, we pass a beautiful, yet small cemetery.  The Mound Cemetery of Brooklyn Center.

*side note*  Someone should really document the cemetery.  I would if I was staying here for more than a few days.

Every time we have passed this cemetery these passed few days, I have said to my hubs, "We need to stop there before we leave."  I am a total cemetery junkie, so he was not surprised.

On the way home today, he said, "Let's pull in!  Do you want to?"  ....OF COURSE!  So, we pulled in and I looked out my window.  The first headstone I saw said, "We loved her".  I was so struck by this.  As we slowly meandered through with our windows down, the phrase "We loved her" pulsated in my head.  I finally said, as we were preparing to leave,

"I am being haunted by a headstone and I NEED to go back!" 

"Where did you see it?" he asked.

"Just back at the beginning" I said.

Since the beginning is a one way entrance, my sweet hubby, without hesitation backed up down the street so I could get back to this headstone.   He was unable to fully back up without backing into the road, so I hopped out.

The feeling was heavy, but peaceful and I went right to the stone.  Sarah it said.

"Hello Sarah" I said. "I am so glad to meet you."

Tears formed in my eyes and started to fall on my cheeks.  I read on...

Sarah E.
Wife of D.W. Felt
Dec. 27, 1880
33 Yrs. 3. M. 21 Ds.

Sarah was my age when she died....100 years before I was born.

My husband saw me standing there with my hand on her marker as I was having a private conversation with her and he parked the car and came to me. 

I turned to him and he held me while I let out a sob.  She was there.  I could feel her with me.  Standing next to me.  I felt her gratitude to me that I came to see her and remember her and love her.  I closed my eyes in hopes that I would see her face.  I didn't.

I said, "She's here.  Can you feel her?"

"I am trying to" my husband said.

We talked for a few minutes about her age at death and he noticed a small grave next to hers.  The name and dates have long since faded, unfortunately, but my husband said, "I bet that is her child.  I bet she died during childbirth"

That felt right.

We took a picture to remember my new friend, Sarah E. and her little forgotten baby.

I said goodbye and the feeling faded.

I felt released and no longer drawn to any particular stone.  Sarah had gone home and our moment had passed.

As we departed, I asked him why he decided to stop now.

He said, "The thought just popped in my head and I decided to pull over."

I am so glad that he did, for I was able to meet my new friend....134 years later.

Confirmed.  Sarah gave birth to a little girl and died 10 days later.

Her name was Sadie Eva Felt.  She only lived 1 one year and is buried next to her mother.  (died 29 July 1881)

The E. in Sarah E. stands for Elizabeth.  

Sarah Elizabeth Bates Felt married to Daniel Webster Felt


nAnnie Laurie said…
I'll bet GG and Sarah know each other
Emily Marie said…
I am in awe at your sensitivity to the spirit. Wonder if we can make sure her temple work is done? Love you sweet sister. You have always been such.
Olivia Heilmann said…
It is, Emily! She is not sealed to her parents though. I am going to see if I can find her parents in the same cemetery. I know I saw Bates in there. :D
Olivia Heilmann said…
That's a cool thought, Mom!!! I wonder.

I deleted your duplicate comments like you asked. ;)
Mina said…
Oh my goodness, that is so beautiful!!
Nana said…
I think my cousin, Sally, who has passed, whose first name is Sarah, is also a Sarah Elizabeth, after Aunt Betty who is Dorothy Elizabeth. gotta get some work done on 2nd 3rd and 4th generations, huh!!

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