Re-posted from my private blog: My Salvation Comes on the Wings of the Public Library

Waking up this morning was dreary. One can only guess why? I had good dreams, slept relatively well (except when I was up at 3:30AM consoling a little one who himself had had a bad dream), woke up to a lovely alarm, and snuggled with my wonderful husband until we successfully wiped the sleep from our minds and emerged from bed.

So why did I feel so dreary and downcast? I don't know.

I went about my usual 'Morning Mommy' tasks; extolling children to dress themselves, preparing lunches, packing backpacks, serving breakfast, etc. I found myself dressed and ready to go and take these bright and eager minds to there place of learning; still in a slump.

What could be done?

As I exited the school premises and continued back toward my home, I found myself at a crossroads. I could go right and persist in this downtrodden mood or I could go left and perhaps find adventure, romance, action, and a hint of danger. How could I resist going left!

Left I went; on my way to my 2ND favorite place in the whole world. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. I was in such nervous anticipation the whole way there. Would it be open? It is only 8:45am. It will be 9am by the time I arrive. It is a public house so it should be open at 9am and couldn't possible be open at 10am. Or could it? I found myself justifying this 15 min. side tour by saying, "Well, if it isn't open, then perhaps I will find something else on that side of town to distract me. Perhaps we need more hand soap or maybe a bag or apples."

My stomach turned in knots as I realized I may be quite disappointed upon arrival. But, much to my great joy, as I turned into the parking lot I saw numerous vehicles already crowding the asphalt. It couldn't be an early morning class, the library MUST be open! I trepidatiously continued forward in my 15mph zone and approached the door with the posted hours. 9AM!! Could it be??? The library was indeed OPEN!!!!

I giggled like a school girl and let out a little whoop of excitement as I parked my car. I could hardly stand it.  I certainly couldn't wipe the silly grin off my face as I approached. I couldn't help but smile at the burping man with the half eaten burger standing next to the entrance. "Hurry up and finish!" I wanted to say. "Aren't you excited to get inside!!!????" Well, of course he wasn't truly and so I kept it to myself.

I entered the building and the doors parted to welcome me in; like a queen returning to the castle to look over her loyal subjects....or was it just the automatic doors? Where to first? Well, to the hold shelf, of course, where I knew for sure at least 2 treasures awaited me there. I squealed inwardly!

Then, off to the computer catalog to find some more hidden treasures by great authors and authoresses. Austen, that will do the trick. Karon and Gulley of course and perhaps some Aston and James. I placed on hold/order all of the Austen movies I could find and a few other things as well and then went on my mighty quest, my 3 in. paper in hand with all the secret codes I needed to unleash an amazing weekend of joy, romance, comedy, and knowledge.

My stack grew higher and higher as I had neglected to bring my trusty library bag. I approached the check out desk and scanned my card. 22 items already checked out. 9 on hold. I perused my stack to see what I could possibly do without this weekend and started scanning. I held my breath as each item was scanned. Hoping to not hear the fateful beep that said I could check out no more items. I exhaled as I finished my last item knowing that they were all mine!!! ALL mine all weekend long and for several weeks beyond. Mine! Mine! Mine!

re stacked my selections, put then in my arms, secured them with my chin and practically skipped out of the library and into my car, grinning like a Cheshire cat all the way!

Oh how I wished I could time travel or that I had taken the city bus so that I could read while being transported home. I couldn't stand the anticipation. There were my treasures, sitting right next to me. Calling me to pick them up and read them. But, alas, I had to drive the 15 min. back to my home before I could crack open the pages and bend the eager spines.

I couldn't stand the wait and so at every stop light and every stop sign, I picked up a treasure and drank it in.  I was like a thirsty camel in a desert. I couldn't get enough. Oh blasted 45 mph! Why do you vex me so!!!

At last I found myself and my brood, safe and sound at home. Now to traverse the 3 flights of stairs that lead to my sanctuary and bring home the spoils of a perfect weekend! I laughed out loud as I entered and quickly flung off my shoes, dropped my bag and laid out my books and movies on the couch...hello friends. Who wants to go first!?

Eagerly they now sit, waiting for there turn to show me what knowledge and delights they hold in store. They are patient and I am eager. This will be a divine day. That is for certain.

I knew then that my mood was entirely improved all thanks to my salvation....The Public Library.


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