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That One Time When I Fell off a Galloping Horse...

Sir Chief I will tell you a tale of a horse named Chief  and the girls that he unseated. The last day had come on our journey of fun.  Our trip was soon completed. The decision was made to take to the trails  on a horse ride to round out our fun. No idea, had we, that our slow ride would be ending up with our horse on the run.  Our horse was assigned, Sir Chief was his name,  we looked into his eyes to connect. Then I got a leg up and Aveline was placed  in the saddle for me to protect.  My feet, I secured, in the stirrups with care and I gave Sir Chief a pat. Then off with a click we followed the lead  to soon realize Sir Chief was a brat. He thrashed and meandered and got too close  to his girlfriend who gave me a kick. Our saddle then started to tilt and to teeter  and it started making me sick. With a worried mind we battled with wills  and Sir Chief won out each time. He just made it clear his time was near, A stable sounded ju...

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